When it comes to protecting your reputation and gaining trust online—investing in the right SSL certificate is worth every penny.
Starting in 2016, free SSL certificates became available and they’ve been a positive force in moving us closer to a fully encrypted web.
Unfortunately, they’ve also made it easy for cybercriminals to look legit, so you might have to look at premium options to stand out from these web menaces.
Given the huge rise in phishing attacks, your visitors might need extra assurance that your site is truly secure and you’re legitimate.
Here are some important things to be aware of so you can determine if free SSL certificates are right for your business or if you need to consider one of the premium options:
- Validation Options—Free certificates verify you own your domain, but most of today’s visitors want conclusive proof you are who you say you are. Validation level should be a key consideration in choosing the right SSL certificate.
- Site Seal—Studies show 69% of online shoppers look for websites that display trust symbols. If your visitors need that extra reassurance, the premium might be the way to go.
- Warranty—It’s a good idea to assess your risk tolerance in the event anything goes wrong with the SSL protocol. Premium SSL certificates come with warranties that range from $10K all the way up to $2M to give you peace of mind.
- Support—It’s nice to know you have a lifeline if you run into issues generating CSRs, validating, installing or managing your SSL certificates. Premium certificates ensure you get the help you need when you need it.
- Expert Guidance—The industry has seen its share of mass vulnerabilities and updates— such as Heartbleed, POODLE Attack and 1024 to 2048-bit—that have impacted all SSL certificate owners. Premium SSL certificates provide the specialized support you need to ensure the transition is smooth and quick.
If your online reputation and gaining visitor trust are important to your online success, you should consider an SSL certificate that provides business identity validation by a trusted third-party authority. We’re here to help you choose wisely with affordable SSL certificates that provide both encryption and identity authentication, plus flexible Wildcard and Multi-domain options.